
The gift of scent, swaddled in luxurious fabrics and made with love…..


Lavender flowers are known to represent purity, silence, devotion serenity, grace and calmness. Its purple color also comes with great symbolism. Purple is the color of royalty and speaks of elegance, refinement and luxury. Boom! When given as a gift, lavender represents opportunity and promises new adventure.

It is easy to grow a lavender plant. Pot, dirt, plant, light and water, and presto-chango you have lavender to refill your Boule! Here are some hints…..


Make sure to dig a much larger hole than the pot. Put some gravel at the bottom, and then add water and make sure it drains.  You can amend the soil with bagged earth and that always helps.


Good exposure to the sun is important for prolific blooms and longevity. Lavender likes a nice warm wall, so don’t plant it under the tree. Eight hours of sun per day is perfect for lavender growth.


Not a friend to the lavender plant.  Clear the planting area and if you see the immortal little devils resurfacing. PULL THEM WEEDS!

we all respond to the power of scent

Scent is transformative and affects us deeply. What do you think of when you smell lavender? Your grandmother’s perfume? Your best friend’s garden? Imagine smelling that as you open a drawer or walk into your closet. And that amazing smell which lures us humans also has additional power; it keeps moths and other insects away so your clothes and linens stay in great condition.


You will need to “tend” your lavender the first year if you have planted it directly in the soil..  By that I mean the earth should not be too dry OR too wet.  You will know if the plants are thirsty because they will droop, wilt, get sad.  Pay attention because in that first year if you see signs of flower wilting, water but no overwatering. After the first year they will rarely need “tending”.


If you are planting your lavender directly in the soil, there should be little need for fertilizer.  Believe it or not, fertilizer does very little to improve the flowering.  Great for the general growth tho. Now if you have planted in a pot it is a little different story. Follow above instructions for Sunlight, and add gravel to the soil.  Pots require more watering as they dry out quickly. The occasional fertilizing with mild fish emulsion is fine.


To keep the plant from getting leggy cut the flowers down to just 6 inches of green stalk. Do not cut on the “woody” part of the stem.


Cooking with Lavender – Culinary lavender is a versatile herb. Since this flower is part of the mint family, it adds freshness to any recipe. It’s floral and slightly sweet flavor makes it a widely adaptable addition to your kitchen creations. Add lavender flowers to salads or meat dishes for a burst of color and for a beautiful presentation when serving your food. Lavender cocktails like lavender lemonade mimosas are popular, and delicious!


My boule is the chicest addition to my underwear drawer, to say the least. It is also the most beautiful and original sachet I’ve ever had.

Louise Fletcher

For information and more details please contact Lavada here: