the boutique
This is where the magic happens…..
Boule Delight
The following two sets of three photos illustrate the assembled Boule Delight.
The first photo is the constructed Boule and the second photo shows the base of the Boule.
The third photo gives an all-round view of an unconstructed Boule. You see the exterior, and the little fold shows the lining. The stitching is an important element of the design, and you can easily see it in the third/composite photo. The satin ribbon is displayed, and also the “geegaw”. A little bit of bling finishes the Boule.
So when perusing the Boules that are currently available to purchase, they will be represented by the composite shot (i.e. the third photograph shown in each of the examples here). You’ll find the Boules currently on sale just below.


$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)

$30.00 (plus shipping)
inside every item you will find:

One cup organic lavender
Open the lavender and let it fluff and breathe for several hours before assembling the Boule Delight.

A ribbon & geegaw (15″ or 40cm)
You can invigorate the Boule by giving it a hard smack against a table, and a good ole squeeze.
Tho’ your Boule should last a few years before you might want to replace the lavender, or contact me and I will send a cup of lavender for a nominal fee.
a boule deal
Buy 5 and get a solid discount. Instead of €150.00, you will pay €125.00 (plus shipping). Make everything smell wonderful by putting Boule Delights in your towel cabinet, in your bedside table, in your make-up drawer, in your car, and one for your best friend as well!

Cher Client,
These swanky hand-made items are available for special order and come in sets of three. Please contact me directly for your bespoke design. I’d love to know your favourite colour!
$75 for three (plus shipping)