welcome & bienvenue

What are lavada’s things?

Simply put, I take the finest lavender Mother Nature has to offer and envelope it in luxurious fabric, so it is both beautiful and functional.

Boule Delight

Boule: not exactly like the the metal ball used in the French game of boules, but a sturdy ball of tightly-packed lavender, surrounded by hand selected fabrics, and secured with a “geegaw” adorned ribbon. As for the ‘delight’ part, well that is obvious! The gift of scent, swaddled in luxurious fabrics, and made with love.  And the gift is two-fold. Not only does it smell delightful and looks beautiful, but it works for  you.  It works to keep your garments and blankets free of moths and smelling fresh.

Lavender Hangup

And moving on to the Lavender Hangup,  a wooden hanger stuffed with two cups of organic lavender, then covered with yummy fabric to give your precious clothes a soft, moth free and safe place to rest. 
$75 + shipping.

Curious traveller who finds beauty everywhere….

Just fabulous!

I cherish my Boule Delight from Lavada. Such a unique and beautiful treasure full of fragrant lavender picked from her own garden in the South of France

Jeanne Tripplehorn

Who needs an organic, ONE OF A KIND, aromatic and useful little piece of heaven?
We all do. Lavada’s Things Is all of these things.